Love’s Invitation – A call to retreat


I hear the cool of day calling my name and Love Himself beckons. A divine invitation, nectar-sweet to spent senses. Desired haven. The letting go to retreat however is not instant, as I uncoil my attention from every thought, feeling, worry and need clamoring to be noticed. I must cross the gap in the ocean of my soul between the ‘what if’s’ and ‘where to’s’ to reach the shores of Quiet and Still. But I am compelled to keep swimming because my heart is longing. For encounter that enlightens. Peace that silences. Hope that brightens. Touch that refreshes.

As I drag weary soul-of-mine onto the bank of Rest, fresh air hits my lungs and opens up promise in an instant. Incessant noise fades to a faint whisper and then trails away. Breathe. Deep. Silence drips down like honey and I open my mouth and relish the sweetness of stillness. I settle down into the lush green carpet of refreshing. Waiting.

He comes like a light breeze dancing over my sunscorched skin. He comes like a harmonious melody being sung over every discordant chord in my heart. He comes like honey that soothes every inflicted wound.

His light softly peels away at the dimness left by wordly demands and His comfort pulls me under its wing. Undone. Love wraps me in His cloak of life and gives me drink of its pleasures. I eat His words and am abundantly satisfied. By LOVE Himself. And then…we dance.


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